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D.CAMP Official Visiting Request

D.CAMP Official Visiting Request

About D.CAMP Official Visiting Request

• Thank you for visiting the D.CAMP homepage. We would like to notify in advance that we are currently prioritizing visits from potential project partners for a more efficient scheduling process.
• Please feel free to check our website and brochure for detailed information. In the case of scheduling a visit, we advise you to apply 2 weeks ahead of the desired date for the best possible experience.

Purpose of the visit
Language Preference

Personal information collection and usage agreement

Personal information collection and usage agreement

Please read the stated terms and decide as to whether or not you agree with the terms of D.CAMP’s collection and usage of your personal information. Please note we will not use it for any other purposes other than those specified below:
1. Purpose: Visit registration and management, acquisition of contact information for visitation guide
2. Data category: Name, company, contact (cell number, email)
3. Period of maintenance: Collected personal information will be kept and used as of the agreement start date until the above purposes have been completed.
* The registrant has the right to refuse the collection and use of personal information, but please note that he or she may have the disadvantage in registering for a D.CAMP visit.